The bridge itself is pretty cool- built in 1907, it has some nice arts and craftsy touches. |
It crosses into the Bronx at 207th St. |
We walked around in the Bronx after we crossed. We were checking out this burned-out car, when this guy started talking to us- he explained that this was probably an insurance scam- people abandon cars in lower-income neighborhoods like this one, torch them, and collect the insurance money. |
Anyway, this guy's name is Goeffery, and he's totally cool. He's a New York native, born in the South Bronx, and he's a photographer. |
He started a non-profit organization called NYC Park Advocates that advocates for neglected New York City Parks. He showed us around University Heights Park, which he had just been photographing for a book he's coming out with soon. He told us that this is one of the most neglected parks in the city. Not surprisingly, the worst parks are in the poorest neighborhoods. Here he's pointing out some crack baggies- they're strewn thoughout the park. |
The trails are totally neglected, and smelly. It's really an insult to the residents of this neighborhood. The Bronx really needs parks, a safe place for kids to play, and instead it has this dirty, dangerous place. |
Here's the information about Geoffrey's organization- NYC Park Advocates. Look for his book of photos of NYC parks to be released soon. And give him a call if you're interested in getting involved (he's working on putting a web site together). |
This bridge is on the very northern tip of the island, and it has fabulous views of the Hudson, and the Palisaides to the west. |
My friend Jessica on the bridge, in the afternoon light. |